Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's a Sunday and it's know yourself day!

Just got back not long ago, slightly tired. Yesterday I managed to get to Paisley and Cream for English bread and butter pudding and double chocolate cupcake for desserts (been so long since I last went). Looks like the crowd there is still the same (which is none. But that is precisely why i like the place) The prices are slightly higher now yet still affordable. Most importantly, the ambiance, the way the food are served and how the food taste have met my requirements of a good chill out place.

Okie. the title of my entry looks weird. I got to know myself better today. Ever wondered how it feels like when someone looks into your eyes and tell you how he feels about you? Telling you what is so unique that make you different from the crowd and reassuring that you are special. It then becomes clearer to you what qualities you have and didn't know about. Hence, you are able to know more about yourself! =)

Mum:你早上才回来吖 (i sms-ed you yesterday to inform you, you forgot le ar?)
跟瘦皮猴一样还以为自己很壮,可以不睡觉吖。。(first time she said that about me)

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