After a tired session of Kbox with Sy and khoon (the tiring part is to sing a series of fast songs with chunky lyrics such as 'womanizer' and 'that's not my name'), I got a call from my sister about family dinner at 三盅两件. I was thinking, "what! You guys are going there again so soon? Now what's the big occasion?" But soon after, I realize I feel happier than being curious about why the sudden change in the stuffs that we do. And as soon as I arrived, the dishes came and we were ready to eat. It has been a while since the whole family gets to eat together in the restaurant. I can recall when my sis and I were still young, we enjoy going to Palm Beach for seafood with our parents. So it has really been some time before this starts again. Probably because we are starting to lose some of the financial burden and so dad has some spare cash to spare.
We went shopping for an hour or so before we leave for home. The following is the dialogue i remember as we were approaching esprit.. (it is to see how contradictory my mum always get)
Me: 我要去esprit。我要看雨伞。
Mum: 你的坏了meh?
Me: 对咯。我要买新的了。
Mum: esprit 不是很贵吗?
Me: 可是它可以auto push button 开关。
So we went into the shop and I looked at the umbrella.
Me: 很好用。可是很贵。
Mum: 买咯。当作你用两支伞的钱买一支伞咯。(what? I thought you just told me that it is ex?)
(Dad open his waist pouch and handed me 50 bucks)
And hence, I got my umbrella. Anyway my mum has such a terrible sore throat till she cant speak well. So when she was buying a bag, my sis and I were looking at something else. When she tries to call us, we heard some weird voice from the back. Out of curiosity we turned around and realized that it was our mother. (i let out a 是她哦 and my sis heard it and we were laughing badly at the mall)
After that, I bought some durian puffs and my dad say my mum cannot eat. However my mum says again, “吃一点不用紧的。”
Okie.. now i sound like I am bitching about my mum. No lah, I am just glad that we have a proper family dinner and this sunday we are going to Johor for seafood. =)
Oh ya.. A picture of my sis and I, I really think that my sis is beautiful and what she needs is just to lose some weight =)
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