Monday, January 19, 2009

'Ask and it shall be given' works on Mums too.

(Provided that you have been a good son all year.)

Had this conversation with my mum early this morning, before i left for school.

Me: Are you going to cook tonight?
Mum: Aiyo, I have been waking up so early everyday for work and will be too tired to cook already.
Me: But i have been eating weeks of takeaways and firstly, they are not healthy, secondly expensive and finally I'm already sick of it. (act pitiful)
Mum: ..(silence)

However Mum and Dad just came back and Mum is cooking Bak Kut Teh right now, and hence I have proven that 'ask and it shall be given' works (at least for my mum). I shall thank her later during dinner.

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