Friday, October 30, 2009


"I love Love, I love being in Love.
I don't care what it does to me."

Things are good, things are bad. One great news is that I received two of my mid-term papers, particularly 'EDS126 - Educational Organization and Sociology" and "CHEM149A - Environmental Chemistry". Well, the first one was essay-based, a 100 marks which makes up 40% of that class. Really thank God and feel elated for getting 96 marks, because writing essay is never something I'm good at. This paper means much more to me, in boosting my confidence in writing, and to feel comfortable with my writing style. For the latter class, I got 41/45 for the mid-term, which makes up 20% of the class. Although I still worry for the organic mechanism class, I'm happy for doing well for the other two classes. Hopefully, the good grades will perpetuates till the end of the quarter.

Another great thing that happened was that I'm starting to be more pro-active about my activities in SD, and do whatever I wish to do here. I gain control of what I want to do. Made me feel better. In a way, I lowered my expectations for others and raised my expectations for myself. Bad thing is that you can't make the world turn for you, can't make everyone like you as a person, but best you could do is to like yourself, to be comfortable with who you are, and how you see yourself. In short, self-confidence.

There were awkward moments too, but I think I shall leave it as that and pray about it.

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