Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the truth is.

I'm hooked onto Lady Gaga (ever since Just Dance), her unique persona caught me by surprise, thinking how she has the confidence to convince others to accept the existence of such a person in this discriminating madness. Undeniably, even I myself guilty, I despise, talk bad things behind people's back. It has become such a habitus, that it seems logically right to be a topic initiator, like "I think she's ugly in this outfit." It's not like people can't have opinions, just that comments are meant to be constructive, and edifying, not of demolition. Making others look bad doesn't make me better. Maybe it does make me feel entertained, like two friends gossiping over tea. However, what does that really mean? How can that be justified? Conclusion: opinions should only form until you experience it. You can't know the real truth by listening to people, as people tend to be biased, both consciously and sub-consciously.

Oh well, my main point is that, I am in awe of Gaga's self-confidence and her strong purpose in creating that persona. And I seriously want to do less of the non-edifying comments, which brings nothing but emptiness. Perhaps, not to judge people just thru' the eyes of others. I should also not procrastinate and do things without a purpose.